Because it’s never too soon to heal your broken heart



Donna Maskell

☎ CONTACT  (780) 297-3753


" Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.”  
~ José N. Harris, MI VIDA: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love

Grief Recovery

There are 43 losses that can produce the range of emotions that we call grief. ‘Loss’ includes all tangible and intangible (trust, faith) losses and is not only focused on death of a person or animal. The long list includes:

·      Divorce or the end of a relationship

·      Loss of health

·      Major financial changes

·      Moving

 . . . many others

Grief is individual, and unique.

While grief is normal and natural, most of the information passed on within our society about dealing with grief is not normal, natural, or helpful. Grief is the emotional response to loss.

Recovery from loss is accomplished by discovering and completing all of the undelivered communications that accrue in relationships. We are all advised to “let go,” and to “move on,” after losses of all kinds; most of us would do that if we knew how.

The Grief Recovery Method® is an action plan for moving beyond loss. It is a series of small steps that when taken—in order—by the griever, leads to the completion of all the unresolved business linked to the loss.


"We're taught how to acquire things, not what to do when we lose them."

~ John. W. James, The Grief Recovery Handbook